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About Railroad Infrastructure Diagnosis and Prognosis Symposium:

This symposium gathers leading engineers and researchers to discuss rail safety and explore novel technologies and methods in monitoring and maintaining railroad infrastructure. Latest scientific findings of passenger and freight rail from the Rail Team and University Transportation Center (UTC) will be presented in technical sessions and poster exhibitions. An open discussion with the panelists and the participating professionals will be given regarding the current and future challenges in advancing the railroad infrastructure diagnosis and prognosis.

About Rail Team:

Rail Technology Engineering and Advanced Maintenance (RailTEAM) is a DOT University Transportation Center (UTC-DOT) consortium of three universities, the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), Virginia Tech (VT), and University of Delaware (UD).  The consortium is led by UNLV (see  RailTEAM is the only DOT-UTC solely dedicated to rail transportation.  The selection of RailTEAM by DOT to lead the R&D research in rail transportation area is a clear testament to the long and productive research, education, outreach, and workforce development for rail transportation at the three member universities, UNLV, Virginia Tech, and U. of Delaware.

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About RTL:

The Railway Technologies Laboratory (RTL) is a leading R&D group at Virginia Tech, with the specific purpose of advancing and implementing the technologies that can assist the U.S. railroads.  RTL’s work is primarily focused on helping the U.S. railroads with improving their safety and operational efficiency.  During the past 15 years, RTL has been involved in numerous railroad projects, funded by both industry and DOT.  RTL is a member of the RailTEAM, a DOT University Transportation Center (DOT-UTC),  Additionally, RTL was one of the only three universities in the U.S. that had the distinction of being an AAR-affiliated laboratory for 14 years, from 2004 to 2018, until the affiliated lab program was discontinued by AAR.

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